Sunday, August 24, 2014

What Research says                                             Evidence Showing accuracy or inaccuracy
Mental Traits
Critical of self and others; serious and scholarly

I don't agree with the self harm I've never once cut myself or tried to bring harm to others. The "serious" trait doesn't feel quite right, I do consider myself a serious person if the situation is serious but if the situation is not then I am not serious and more calm.
Personality Traits
Gets along with those older or younger (but not the same age) well-organized and cold blooded
Getting along with others is very easy no matter what age they are but I find it harder with younger kids I don't really know why. Well-organized is not one of my traits I am not organized at all although I have gotten better. Cold blooded is a very accurate trait I am a mean person and do not hold back my opinion.
Difficulty relating to peersI also don't agree with this "trait" either I am very relatable with anyone and everyone.

Typical Careers
I very much do want to pursue a career in the medical field. In fact, I would like to be a medical examiner.
Typical Careers
I have thought about pursue a career in Criminal Justice but no other jobs interest me dealing with the law.
May procrastinate to relieve burden of perfectionismI am not a big procrastinator nor a perfectionist, I hate waiting last minute to do home work or other work. A perfectionist although I will admit I like everything clean and in its place but not perfect.


  1. I do agree that the serious trait is something you do not portray. However, I disagree when you said you're "cold-blooded," I mean maybe you are, but never towards me and I think that's a good thing! Also, I can definitely see you working as a medical examiner.

  2. I agree that you don't have a difficulty relating to peers because you have connections with many people

  3. Hey you're blog updates look like mine!(x As far as being serious, I don't really see it. I mean like, you probably are for school and all that, but with me you're not that serious(x Procrastinating...I think what you said wasn't all the truthful(x You do tend to procrastinate tbh.

  4. I actually don't see you as being serious because you definitely are not serious around me. I agree that you get along well with others because you know so many people.
